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Handling Eye Emergencies: What to Do If Something Goes Wrong

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During Healthy Vision Month, we emphasize not only the importance of preventative eye care but also the necessity of knowing how to respond to eye emergencies. With the arrival of summer, outdoor activities increase, and with them, the risk of eye injuries. Whether it’s from sports, gardening, or even just a day at the beach, knowing basic first aid for eye injuries can make a crucial difference in preserving vision if accidents occur. Here, we guide you through handling common eye emergencies to keep your summer safe and enjoyable.

Types of Eye Emergencies

Eye emergencies can involve foreign objects in the eye, chemical burns, or injuries from blunt or sharp objects. Here’s what to do in each scenario:

Foreign Objects in the Eye

Dust, sand, or small debris can easily get into the eyes during windy days at the beach or while hiking. If something gets into your eye:

Do Not Rub the Eye: Rubbing can cause the object to scratch the cornea.

Blink Several Times: Blinking can help the eye's natural tears wash the particle out.

Use Eyewash or Clean Water: Rinse your eye gently with an eyewash if available, or use clean, lukewarm water to flush the eye out.

Seek Medical Help if Necessary: If the object does not come out with rinsing, or if pain and redness persist, seek professional medical attention.

Chemical Burns

Summer activities can sometimes involve handling household chemicals like cleaning agents, or even pool chlorine, which can splash into the eyes.

Rinse Immediately: Rinse your eye with clean water or saline solution for at least 15-20 minutes. Use a slow and steady stream of water to flush out the chemical.

Remove Contact Lenses: Do this while rinsing if it can be done quickly and safely.

Seek Urgent Medical Attention: After rinsing, go to an emergency room or contact an eye doctor immediately. Chemical burns can cause severe damage quickly.

Blunt Trauma

Sports activities or accidents can lead to blunt trauma to the eye.

Apply a Cold Compress: This can reduce swelling and bruising. Do not put pressure on the eye.

Pain Relief: Use over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Avoid aspirin as it may increase bleeding.

Seek Medical Attention: If there is severe pain, visual disturbance, or if the shape of the eyeball is altered, seek immediate medical care.

Cuts and Punctures

Accidental pokes or jabs while playing sports, working in the garden, or during DIY projects can occur.

Do Not Wash the Eye: Unlike debris or chemicals, do not rinse out the eye as this could cause more damage.

Do Not Remove Anything Stuck in the Eye: Cover the eye with a rigid shield like the bottom half of a paper cup and secure it in place.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention: Do not delay getting professional help. Avoid taking painkillers or applying ointments as a doctor should assess the injury first.

Preventing Eye Injuries

Prevention is always better than cure, especially when it comes to eye health:

Wear Protective Eyewear: Always wear appropriate safety glasses or goggles when participating in sports or working with tools and chemicals.

Use Hats and Sunglasses: These can protect your eyes from UV radiation and debris when outdoors.

Be Cautious with Chemicals: Read instructions and use caution when handling chemicals, including household cleaners and pool products.

During Healthy Vision Month and throughout the summer, take steps to protect your eyes and know how to react in an emergency. Whether you're participating in sports, doing home improvement projects, or enjoying a sunny day out, being prepared can help prevent serious damage to your eyes.

Remember, immediate and correct first aid can save your sight, but regular check-ups and protective measures are key to avoiding emergencies altogether. Schedule your appointment with our team in Thief River Falls and make eye health a priority this summer at Northwest Eye Center.